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Corporate Responsibility 

As businesses strive to operate sustainably, energy consumption has come under the spotlight. One of the key ways in which companies can reduce their impact on the environment is by reducing energy usage. This can be done in several ways, such as investing in energy-efficient equipment or retrofitting existing buildings with insulation and energy-saving technologies. In addition, raising awareness of energy consumption levels among employees can lead to significant reductions in usage. By taking these steps, businesses can make a real difference in the fight against climate change and help to create a more sustainable future for all.

The founders of Applied Computer Technology, Inc., also known as 3e by EXPOCAD®, learned firsthand about environmental responsibility.  Our corporate headquarters are in Aurora, IL, where the Fox River runs through downtown Aurora. In the 70s, the river was a polluted, smelly eyesore. Then, changes in federal air and water pollution laws created unprecedented change. As a result, the water that was not sustainable even for fish has become so clean the river is supplementing the drinking water for the city.  This dramatic example was one of many lessons that led our leadership to be environmentally aware. https://friendsofthefoxriver.org/

The corporate headquarters building was built over a century ago. The buildings constructed in that era did not consider energy efficiency as a criterion for construction. Formerly the largest Moose Lodge in the United States, it had heating and air conditioning systems that were dated and energy inefficient.  Upon purchase of the building, many changes were put in place to lower the carbon footprint:

The building changes allowed for earning the Aurora Mayor’s Award as recognition while preserving the original design intent. Preservation Awards | Aurora, IL (aurora-il.org)

Today, work from home is permanently available to all employees—considerably reducing the energy required to go to and from work.   Working from home can save energy and reduce emissions. But how much? – Analysis - IEA

Our commitment to Net Zero Carbon with JMIC/UFI at the UN’s at COP 27 underscores our continued commitment to the earth. The Initiative | Net Zero Carbon Events

Product Responsibility

Software sustainability is providing more reliable, manageable, environmentally aware, and cost-effective software. There are many ways to achieve software sustainability, but one of the most important is reducing paper usage, saving labor and time.
By using sustainable development, we can save money and reduce travel requirements and labor costs. In addition, software that is more sustainable is easier to maintain and update, saving time and money in the long run.
As businesses increasingly rely on software to run their operations, it is essential to ensure that the software is sustainable and efficient. By taking steps to reduce paper usage and labor, we can help software fulfill its potential as a critical driver of business success.
With proper planning and execution, software sustainability can be achieved without sacrificing quality or functionality.

By design 3e by EXPOCAD® provides:

  • Little or no paper usage
  • Reduction in labor
  • On-line contracts
  • On-line payments
  • High ROI
  • Less labor
  • Connectivity to over 300 other software API’s (saving staff time)
  • Communicates to General Service contractors, Venues, 3rd party vendors (saving printing, time)