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ELI - Event Location Intelligence





Today our Reality is to be Prepared for any Situation that may Occur at any Facility or Venue for any Situation that Requires a Response to a Specific Location.  E L I™  - Event Location Intelligence - Can be Utilized Anywhere such as a  Warehouse,  Corporate Campus, Museum, Hospital, School Campus, an In-person Conference and Exposition, Concert, Sporting Event or Place of Work.    

E L I™ is a Quick and Effective Communication Tool for Everyday use or when Seconds and Minutes Matter to Send an Exact Location to a   Team Member for the Appropriate Response.   

ELI Caddy By Pin Pointing the Exact Area Directly on their Mobile Device,  any Assigned Team Member Can Swiftly Locate and React Appropriately to the Type of Event.  

Alerts may be created to isolate situations by type.  Each type is assigned to appropriate team members with the appropriate skill sets.  For instance, a trip hazard, an abandoned bag, disgruntled attendee, dark stairwell, unlocked back door, a plumbing or maintenance issue, anything at all. 

An ELI™ alert is sent to the appropriate team, security or operations staff to where the situation or event is happening.  

E L I™ uses a discrete channel to provide location based information.  The exact location is instantly and visually communicated to those who have been designated by show management.   Responders will know exactly where, what and when an issue occurred.Badge

Press Release September/October Issue from Exhibit City News 

E L I Website - Click Here

From an Operational perspective, E L I™ may be utilized to locate staff (I AM HERE) to assist with any given situation.

CampusPinpoint exact locations of much needed supplies in nearby rooms, warehouses, or buildings on campuses.  

In the exhibiting world, it could be fires of another nature such as an angry exhibitor, a non-working escalator or any issue that requires attention by someone on staff.  

ELI CellTo overcome the limitations of push-to-talk and walkie-talkie communications, E L I™ connects authorized users to designated responders and managers using any smart phone. 

There are no apps or installation necessary.

U.S. and international patents have been filed for this unique technology.  In the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security is also evaluating ELI. 

Contact an E L I™ Security Specialist Today - Luv@expocad.com
and learn more about E L I™ EARTH!    

Assuming the Risk: Event Security Video by Meetings Today

Presenter: Mark Herrera, Brenda Rivers and Eric Rozenberg 

From active shooters, cyber theft and domestic and international terrorism to natural disasters, recent headlines have brought home the critical need to vastly improve security precautions and procedures at meetings, conventions and events.

Legal expert Brenda Rivers, founder and CEO of Andavo Meetings, Incentives and Consulting, “Meeting planners have a legal liability to protect the safety and security of their attendees…they can be sued for failure to fulfill their duty of care…” 

Add ELI to Your Current Safety Protocols to Elevate Response Times with Easy Pin Pointing Technology 


 Visit us at Upcoming Shows when Rescheduled.