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Customer Testimonials


Many of our loyal customers have been using an EXPOCAD solution for 10+ years.  
Our clients are the most loyal in the industry and we appreciate each and every one.
Combined or separately, our products provide a superior level of communications
& feature sets and always provides the organizer complete and total control. 


  • As long time EXPOCAD users, we can whole-heartedly say that our decision to contract with EXPOCAD for all of our floor plan and space draw logistics was one of the best ones we ever made! Fantastic support and customer service, caring and knowledgeable technicians and administrative support staff contribute to a wonderful and satisfying partner relationship!  
    Jean L 
  • I can’t thank Dan enough for his help and expertise during our space draw event and throughout the year. His professional demeanor helps calm an extremely stressful environment. Dan has become an extension of our staff and we always look forward to seeing him!    Katie W 
  • “your customer service team continues to set the bar. They are always prompt, informative, and clear with instructions on every single request I send their way…I may be overstating this…but I’m a EXPOCAD® user for the rest of my life as a result of such a positive experience in working with you entire team.” -
    Kendra A.   

    Heart caddy
  • "If I had a daughter I’d name her EXPOCAD® and if I had I had a son, I’d name him CONTRACTOR.  Mike, I have some picky customers that like things six ways to Sunday… Bottom line is that EXPOCAD® repairs a lot of mistakes when I bring it into Contractor. Once I do that, the Audit command helps me seal the deal. I love what I do and thanks for a killer program." - Steven A 
  • “ Our trade show was a huge success and EXPOCAD® played a big role in that... I wouldn’t want to do the trade show without EXPOCAD.”  Lorie L.
  • It's largely because of your onsite techs that I wanted to look at EXPOCAD in the first place...Those guys are rock stars! - Tim F   
  • You are awesome Andy...just in case no one has told you today....Totally loving EXPOCAD and all the features it has to offer.  Tracy B
  • "I just wanted to thank you for all your help with getting me up and running with Areagraph on the web...You have been by far the most dedicated and friendly person I've ever dealt with either in person or over the phone.  You demonstrated a tremendous amount of diligence, expertise and above all patience.  You are truly to be commended for all your hard work and great excellent OUTSTANDING customer service. Thank you Bridget!"  - Bill J.
  • To Everybody...Thank you for working with us to learn EXPOCAD®.  Andy, you are so awesome.  Your knowledge of the program and your patience in how you worked with us made this trip such a success.  Keep up the great work!  - Angel E. and Sandy C.
  • “Thanks Dan & EXPOCAD for all of your support. Just want to let all of you know are not taken for granted.”- Brian M. 
  • EXPOCAD’s Customer Service is as good as it gets!”- Dennis R. 
  • “Your talents never cease to amaze me...     :) Thank-you”- Michael S.
  • “Thank you very much. I appreciate how easy it is to work with you guys.”- Austin F.  
  • Susan has found your help desk people terrific to work with and good problem solvers.”- Sherry K.  
  • "You are so ahead of me – YOU ARE THE BEST!”- Doug P.
  • “Thank you so much.  You guys have really great support.”- Aaron H.  
  • "…I would be happy to let your supervisor know how happy this customer is with the level of on time support we get… “I appreciate those who are in customer support and get it done right.”- Vernon D.
  • Thank you both again for everything!  Booth placement went very well, and you were key to its success. If you ever need a reference for new business, just let me know…”- Sarah H. 
  • "Thank You - You guys are the best!" - Thomas K